A proč vlastně jsem sem jela? Grasse se proslavilo jako světová metropole parfému.:) teď už je vám určitě jasné, že jsem si tento výlet nemohla nechat ujít.
Původně jsme z Nice chtěli cestovat vlakem, ale bohužel žádná spojení neexistuji, protože je město položené ve svahu. Cesta tam a zpátky autobusem stojí neuvěřitelnych 2 eur a trvá to hodinu a pul ( to není vůbec špatne) !!!! :)
Hned při výstupu z autobusu vás okouzlí úžasný výhled na baracky na svazích a také na vrcholky hor. Do centra se jde uličkou, kde naleznete mnoho restauraci a kramku s čím jiným, než parfémy, mydly a krémy:) infromacni centrum je nedaleko od autobusové zastávky a byla nám doporučena návštěva místní parfumerie, kde nás zadarmo provedou a ukáží, jak se vyrábí parfémy. V Grasse se nachazi tovaren vice, ale my jsme navstivili jednu z nich, jmenovala se Molinard.Exkurze po vyrobně byl velký zážitek a jsem ráda, že jsme ji absolvovali. Všechny parfémy mají extrémně dlouhý proces výroby a samozřejmě také nákladný, proto se ceny pohybovaly kolem €100 za 35ml :) vyfotila jsem Vám take mýdla a vůni do bytu, ktere jsem si pořídila. Logo firmy tam manuelně vyrážejí :)
A na závěr: nejlepším místem na skladování parfému je pry ložnice, je tam totiž teplicko:)
A pokud se chcete podivat na produkty znacky Molinard mrkněte na jejich webovou stránku www.molinard.com. Zboží posílají do celého sveta.
Today we went to visit another town that its called Grasse which is located inland of Côte d'Azur. We have visited this place on a recommendation of a member of family and friends that have already visited France.
So what was the main reason I have visited?
Grasse got famous as the metropole of perfumes.So now I suppose you know why I couldn't miss this trip :)
We wanted to travel by a train but we have found out that there are no train connections as the town is situated on the hill. So we had to take a bus. Return ticket costs only € 2 and it takes 1 and half hour (sp not bad at all) !!!:)
As soon as you get out of the bus the scenario is just amazing you can see all those typical French houses on the hills :))
The centre is very close to the bus station and there is a one main street which you will just follow. Everywhere are small restaurant, shops of course with perfumes, soaps and creams. The tourist information centre is luckily also very close to the bus stop. We were recommended to visit one of the factories where the perfumes,soaps and creams are made. Of course I had to see this. The factory we went to was called Molinard we have been taken on tour around the factory and were told how they make all those lovely things (all was free of charge). To make a perfume is a very long process and very expensive that's why 35ml cost around €100:) i have took few pictures of the soapes and Home fragrance that I have bought:) they print the logo on all the soaps manually. :)
P.S.: did you know that the best place to keep the perfume is the bedroom as it is warm there:)
If you wold like to have a look on the products of molinard go to their website: www.molinard.com they do deliver all around the world.
France - 3rd day - Grasse
One of my friends who I used to go to school with many many years ago, used to go to Grasse every year... She loved the perfumerie xx