Sunday, 30 December 2012

Cosmetic review - my new Clinique products

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You all know now that my favourite cosmetic products are Clinique (of course i also use other brands and I like trying new stuff) :) for Xmas I got some amazing stuff from my boyfriends mum and sister they know me so well :) as soon as I unpacked the present and discovered the beautiful orange box I couldn't wait to open it and find out what is in there. I have opened it and found a perfume and body smoother. The perfume itself smells very fresh, clean and flowery and it smells on skin and clothes for ages. I actually wanted this perfume for some time and I finally got it. Then there was another present to be unpacked and I found a cosmetic bag with some clinique products and amazing mascara that makes my lashes sooooo long and it doesn't stick them together. I have taken few pictures of the mascara and the box where I have found the perfume and body smoother. The good thing about the box is that I an use it as a storage box in my bathroom as it looks soo cool especially with the pink opening lace on the side. Did you get any cosmetics for Xmas ? If you did what was it? Any recommendations?:)
Products: Clinique - High impact mascara
                 Clinique - Happy perfume
                 Clinique - Happy Body smoother
Jak všichni víte, moje nejoblíbenější kosmetika je clinique (ale samozřejmě používám i další kosmetiku a nebráním se zkoušení různých produktu):) k Vánocům jsem dostala úžasné produkty od maminky a sestry mého přítele :) jakmile jsem otevřela první z dárku objevila jsem krásný, oranžový box a v něm byl parfém, který se jmenuje happy od clinique a také body smoother ve stejne vůni. Parfém voní velmi svěže, čistě a květinově a vydrží na kůži a oblékání hodně dlouho. Pravdou je, že jsem na tento parfém měla zálusk již delší dobu a konečně se mi poštěstilo, že jsem jim byla obdarována:)) Když jsem otevřela druhý balíček od maminky mého přítele, tak tam byla kosmetická taštička s produkty Clinique a mezi nimi i úžasná řasenka, ktera vytvoří opravdu úžasný kukuč. Řasy jsou dlouhé, husté a neslepené. Vyfotil jsem Vám dárkový box, ve kterém byl parfém a i tu úžasnou řasenku. Super věc je, že ten oranžový box vypadá moc hezky a mohu ho použít na má zkrášlovadla:)
líbila se mi také růžová stuha na straně, kterou se box otevírá. Je to malý detail, ale mě se moc líbí. Dostali jste take nějakou kosmetiku k Vánocům ? A pokud ano, co to bylo? Budu ráda za nějaké doporučení :)))
Produkty: Rasenka Clinique - High Impact Mascara
                 Clinique - Happy
                 Clinique - Body smoother

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Saturday, 29 December 2012

Denim Jacket

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Můj posledni den v Čechách si užívám v klidu, s rodinou :) venku jsem byla jen na chvili a to jen kvuli tomu, že jsem chtěla koupit ještě par dárku svému příteli, snad bude mít radost (pokud to ted čteš, tak ze mě nevytáhneš, co pro tebe mám :) musíš si počkat na zítřek :D ). Jeansovou bundu, kterou mám na sobě je hodně vintage a stále vypadá úžasně a dá se kombinovat a čímkoliv. Růžové kožené boty, které se nazývají loafers také můžete vzít k čemukoliv. :)) 

It is my last day in czech republic so i am enjoying my time with my family and :)) I have been out today only for a while to get few presents to my boyfriend ( if you do read this mark you will not get out of me what the presents are you have to wait until tomorrow :D ).
The denim jacket I am wearing is kinda vintage but I love it as it goes with everything :))) also love the pink leather loafers which ou can wear with dress, jeans simply with anything :))

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Friday, 28 December 2012

Another day for sunglasses

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Dnesni vstavani bylo uzasne, jelikoz me probudilo slunicko, ktere mi svitilo oknem primo do postele. Nemohla jsem se dockat az vstanu, obleknu se a pujdu ven, protoze pred mym odletem mam strasne moc zarizovani :) Prala bych si,bydlet v zemi, kde slunicko sviti kazdy den, protoze lidi jsou tam stastnejsi a ja miluju stastne lidi kolem sebe. Stesti je klicem ke spokojenemu zivotu :) 
Dnes jsem mela na sobe cervene jeansy, jedny z mych oblibenych. Vim, ze hodne holcin ma strach z barev, jelikoz je neumi kombinovat, ale je to jednoduche , protoze treba tyto jeansy se daji kombinovat snad se vsim :) Libi se Vam tato kombinace?

Waking up today was sooo much easier as I have seen the sun coming to my bed through the windows. It was lovely.I could not wait to get up get dressed and go out as I have so much to do before I go back to England :) What is the weather like in your country ?:) Hopefully as nice as it is in Czech Republic today :) I wish i could live in a country where the sun is shining every single day as I think it makes people happier and I love happy people being around me. Hapinness is the key to the satisfied life in my opinion. 
Today I wore my red jeans one of my favourites many girls are scared of wearing colours but as you can see on this look there is nothing to worry about you can mix it with whatever :) Do you like this look?:)

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Thursday, 27 December 2012

Time in Czech is running out

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So I am going back to England very soon I have to leave my family behind but will see my wonderfull boyfriend soon :) I did enjoy every second of my stay with my whole family. I dont know when I will come back as I am very spontanious one day i might be in england and the second i will be somewhere else :D Today we were shooting those pictures on our wonderfull garden - my mum and my dad take care of it all the time I love it especially in the summer - I do sunbath there,lol. So how did you enjoy xmas ? Hopefully they were merry :)

Takze, jiz brzy odletam zpatky do Anglie. Na jednu stranu je smutne, ze musim opustit rodinu, ale strasne se tesim na meho uzasneho pritele :) Uzila jsem si kazdou sekundu tady a to s moji rodinou. Vubec nevim, kdy zase prijedu, jelikoz jeden den muzu byt v  Anglii a druhy uplne nekde jine, jednam strasne spontanne. :D Dnes jsme fotili na nasi krasne zahrade, o kterou se peclive staraji rodice. Zahrada je moje nejoblibenejsi misto hlavne v lete, kdy se tam vzdy vyvalim a opaluji se :D A co, jak jste si vy uzily Vanoce ? Doufam, ze byly pro vas stastne, tak jako pro me :)

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Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Bright PINK top - zarivy ruzovy top

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Miluji ruzove veci a jakmile jsme videla tento top, tak jsem ho proste musela mit. K tricku jsem si vzala cernou sukni, vysoke kozacky ke kolenum. Cely look jsem podtrhla mou Louis kabelkou, ktera je sice mala, ale vejde se do ni vse, co potrebuji: fotak, penezenka, telefon a dokonce i par kusu kosmetiky:D

I love PINK things and as soon as I saw this tshirt I had to get it I wore my black mini skirt ad knee high boots. And I finished the look by taking my Louis bag which I love - it is small but i can fit there all my things: camera, purse, phone and even make up :D

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Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Xmas by us - Vanoce u nas

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Doufam, ze jste si vcerejsi den uzili v rodinnem kruhu plnem lasky :) My jsme meli uzasny vecer, hodne jidla, koledy hraly, pohoda a pak kolem pul 8 Vanocni stromecek. Moc jsem pod nim necekala, jelikoz jsem pred par dny jiz obdrzela jeden velky darek, ale rodice a babicka prekvapili a pod stromecek jsem jeste par vysnenych veci dostala :) Dneska jeste prijde moje sestra s mou malou neteri a na to se tesim snad uplne nejvic, protoze na diteti jde vydet nefalsovana radost z darku. A jak jste si uzili Vy vcerejsi den ? Byli jste spokojeni s darky ?

I hope that you had a wonderfull evening last night around your family :) Me and my family had an amazing dinner lots of food, carrols, peace and around 7:30pm we went to the xmas tree to unpack the presents. I did not await much as I have recieved one big present alread couple of days ago but my parents and grandma suprised me as I did have few things there I really wated. :) Today my sister and niece will come to visit and I cant wait for my niece to unpack the presents as you can see there pure children joy from the presents. How did you spend the xmas ? Were you satisfied with the presents you have recieved ?

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Monday, 24 December 2012

Xmas 2012 - Vanoce 2012

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Vanoceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee jsou tuuuuu :) Ehm. Rada bych Vam timto zpusobem poprala pohodu u Vanocniho stolu, at se tam sejdete v co nejvetsim poctu a oslavite tento den spolecne. Hrozne moc rada bych Vam podekovala za prizen, kterou mi projevujete , jak na facebooku, tak na mém blogu.Jsem moc ráda, ze jsem si za tu chvili, co mam blog vybudovala skupinu ctenaru, kteri se vraceji a doufam, ze se bude cim dal tim vice zvetsovat. At je dnesni den por Vas tim nejkouzelnejsim. 

Xmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas is here,lol. Ehm. I would like to wish you a peacfull dinner tonight let this day be happy and spend it around people you love. I would like to thank you so much for the support you are all showing me on my facebook page and on my blog. I dont have a blog very long but I have managed to get a group of readers that do come back and hpefully the group will get bigger at some point,lol. Let this day be magical.

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Sunday, 23 December 2012

School reunion - tridni sraz

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Vcera jsme meli tridni sraz, ani snad nebudu rikat po kolika letech :D Bylo strasne fajn vsechny videt, zavzpominat na stare dobre casy :)) Nejradsi bych se na gympl vratila a uzivala si opet tu totalni bezstarostnost. Bohuzel je to tak, ze kdyz jsme na skole , tak chceme co nejdrive "vypadnout". Ach jo, to byl zivot. Jedine co nas trapilo bylo, kde zaparime o vikendu, kam pojedeme na Vanocni prazdniny atd. Vratili by jste se na stredni zpatky, nebo Vas to vubec nelaka ?:)
Mrknete na foto, co jsem mela vcera na sobe.

Yesterday we had a school reunion I rather not tell after how many years :D It was really good to see everyone and to talk about the old good times:)) I wish I could turn back time and were at high school again we did not have to worry about anything. Sadly the truth is when we are in school we cant wait to finish it. I loved the student life. All we cared about was what party to go to where we will go on xmas holidays etc. Would you go back to school or you are happy that is over?:)
See pictures what I wore last night.

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Saturday, 22 December 2012

Xmas at home and my live life love life top

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Our xmas tree is standing and it is gorgeous what do you think??:) I am so happy to be with my family at home this is the biggest blessing.

Nas Vanocni stromecek stoji a je nadherny, co myslite ?:) Jsem strasne rada, ze mohu byt doma s rodinou, je to to nejvetsi pozehani.

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Friday, 21 December 2012

Xmas wishlist - Vanocni prani

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So this year was an amazing year for me. I bought myslef two things I always wanted a bag and a new camera. But there are still few things I cant get my eyes off  they are really delicate, dont you think ? :)

Takze tento rok byl pro me jednim z nejlepsich. Poridila jsem si dve veci, ktere jsem chtela strasne dlouho - kabelku a novy fotak, ale stale je zde par delikatnich veci, ze kterych nemohu spustit oci. Libi se Vam ?:)
 (apropo, omlouvam se, ze v textu nejsou hacky a carky, ale jsem na anglickem pocitaci :( )

 Miu Miu 

Louis Vuitton 

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My shoes wonderland

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Asi jako kazda holka, mam "uchylku" na boty,  bez podpatku s podpatkem, kozacky, balerinky, na platforme :D Dneska jsem se probirala par pary bot, kdybych mela vyskladat vsechno,co mam , tak by jste me mezi nima nenasli :D
Like most of the girls I am totally obssesed with shoes with a heel, without, boots, pumps, wedges, platform shoes:D Today I went through few pairs of my shoes if I would put in that room all my shoes you would not find me :D


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Xmas giveaway winner - vyhlaseni vyherce Vanocni souteze

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I would like to thank those 7 girls who took place in my xmas giveaway :) All the messages you have sent me where wonderfull xmas do mean for you that you spent time with family and it is the time of the year you all love :) I could not choose which one should win so I left in on a random generator. 4 people commented here on my blog and three other commented on my fan page on facebook: As you can see from the picture the number that has been generated is number 6 I will contact the winner through email.

Chtela bych timto podekovat vsem 7 holcinam, ktere se zapojily do me Vanocni souteze:) Vsechny komenty a zpravy, ktere jste zanechaly byly uzasne a Vanoce pro Vas znamenaji to, ze stravite cas s rodinou a pro vsechny je to nejhezci cast roku:) Nemohla jsem vybrat vyherce, tak jsem to nechala na automatickem generatoru cisel. 4 holky mi zanechaly prispevek zde na blogu a dalsi 3 komentovaly na me fb strance :
Jak muzete videt z obrazku, vygenerovane cislo je cislo 6. Vyherkyni budu kontaktovat do emailu.

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Thursday, 20 December 2012

What did I wear today ?

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Today I went xmas shopping to Germany. I live right on the border with Germany so it takes only few minutes to get there :) There were looots of people in the shop it looked like the end of the world ( actually it suppose to be tomorrow,lol - if we still be alive we will meet here on my blog right ?,lol ). Anyway I love xmas food shopping all those candys, fruits, cakes :D Here are some pictures.

Dnes jsem byla na Vanocnich nakupech v Nemecku. Bydlíme primo na hranicich , takze jsem vzdy za par minut tam :) Vsude strasne mooc lidi, vypadalo to jako by byl konec sveta (nema byt az zitra ? :)) kdyz prezijeme, tak se sejdeme opet zde na blogu :D ). Kazdopadne Vanocni nakupy jidla miluju, vsechny ty sladkosti, kolace, ovoce :D Pod textem mate par fotek,co jsem mela na sobe.

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I love my life - Miluju svuj zivot

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Those are few pictures I found in my camera (very random pictures:D). On two of them is my best friend I can not live without. Do you live your life on 100% ? I do and I am loving it:)
Ve fotaku jsem nasla par fotek. Na dvou z nch je moje nejlepsi kamradka, bez ktere bych nemohla zit. Zijete Vas zivot na 100% ? Jako jo:)

 The guy behinf me is the best :D ten kluk za mnou je nejlepsi :D

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